From our inception, NFM has been guided by principles of selling cheap, telling the truth and providing outstanding selection and service. By keeping our principles in mind, we believe we can fulfill our true mission: Improving people’s lifestyles.
Tunnel Boring Machine Manufacturer Disappears
Two Tunnel Boring Machines

Home Life, Done Right
Our homes are so much more than four walls and a roof. They're our offices, our classrooms, our movie theaters. The comforts of home are everything. And today, home life has never been more important.
Your Neighborhood Home Store
NFM is big on square footage but with small-town values that started with our founder, Rose Blumkin's first Omaha store in 1937. From store events to charity outreach, we don't think improving lifestyles stops at our front doors. In 2020
Awards & Recognition
At NFM, we are committed to giving customers and staff the best experience possible. Not content to just say we are putting in the work, we have the accolades to back up our legendary reputation.