Draper Tools
It begins in 1919 with our founder Bert Draper and his wife Emily. We start delivering tools. We’re an independent family business with over a century of success to recommend us. But that’s only the start of the story.
Electric Space Heater
Draper Expert Mechanic's Tool Kit

It is a requirement in the UK to minimize the disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) to landfill and to achieve high levels of collection of WEEE for environmentally sound treatment.
Quality Assurance
Vigorous testing and evaluation is performed on all products at our UK and Far East quality assurance facilities to ensure compliance to international standards and European Directives as applicable.
Sustainability and Ethics
We’re changing our approach to plastic packaging to use less, greener or no plastic. This has involved re-thinking how we choose, design and package our product range.