Reliable Trailer Components

Reliable Transport Equipments

Reliable Trailer Manufacturer

Al Jazeera City Trailers is proud to have provided industry leading trailers and trailer components to our loyal and well-established customer base for over 25 years.

/ About our company

We Provide Professional Industrial Services

Al Jazeera City Trailers is proud to have provided industry leading trailers and trailer components to our loyal and well-established customer base for over 25 years. Being one of the Middle East's largest trailer manufacturers; combined with over 25 years of experience in the industry, enables us to provide our customers with world-renowned trailers of exceptional quality, dependability and power.

Businesses Growth

Maintenance Service

بوجود الخبرات الطويلة والمتعددة الجنسيات و المواقع لدى مصنع الجزيرة ستي لصناعة هياكل النقل ومع اعتماد معاير الجودة الإنجليزية و الأوروبية في عمليات و مواد التصنيع، فيعتبر من الخيارات العشرة الأولى لأصحاب اساطيل النقل في غرب اسيا و الشرق الأوسط وكذلك في أوروبا ، كما تعتبر من الخيارات المميزة لشركات التأمين التي تود إصلاح هياكل المقطورات التي تضررت في حوادث السير


We Provide Professional Industrial Services

Customer Driven

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Innovative Engineering

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25+ Years of Making Experience

/ Why Choose us

Supplying Full Range of Trailer Components


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Trailer Manufacturers UAE

Our team of skilled and experienced craftsmen are committed to providing you, the customer, with only the highest quality trailer products, ensuring that we fulfil our ambition toward each and every customer.

/ Why Choose us

We have got many Products Let’s inspect Some Here

/ Our funfact

Number Speakers Everything

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Completed Units
Happy Clients
Industry Experience
Skilled Workers